Yes. All SlickforceSystem products are playable on mobile devices. Please email support@slickforce.com if you need assistance.

As our previous Box Set customers know, we care very much about the physical presentation of our products. This is why more than half of our customers order a physical copy as opposed to the download. The free gift is a softbox reference light toy, that can be used to practice lighting concepts on small objects like action figures. It is completely free with your Mastering Lighting Box Set order as our way of saying thank you.

We wrestle with this everyday. It’s likely due to a variety of things, but mostly because we listen to your feedback and we create products that our customers actually want.

Yes. When building Mastering Retouching™, we received lots of requests for start-to-finish retouches, so we have included several shots where you will follow our experts as they retouch or composite photos from beginning to end, covering many common obstacles and pitfalls that artists will run into. Some of these images are included in the series volumes, while others are available in our customer forum, free with your purchase.

Mastering Retouching is divided into 7 levels, and Mastering Compositing has 5 levels, each of which contains several lessons relevant to the topic. While the individual lessons range from 5-45 minutes, each complete level is approximately one hour.
Though we do go slow enough for even a beginner, we made a point not to lose the attention of our more experienced students. We’re assuming you’ve at least opened up Photoshop before and have used a few basic tools, and we’ve based the speed of the lessons on that.

Mastering Retouching is approximately 6 GB and Mastering Compositing is 4 GB. To ease the download process, we’ve broken the series up into individual volume download links, approximately 1 GB each, so that you can download in pieces, as your connection allows.

Yes, we’ve included the actual hi-res unretouched images in the series so that you can follow along with our artists.

Every technique, method, and skill taught in this Series can be mastered using only a mouse. However, we would highly suggest that any serious retoucher or compositor learn how to use a Wacom™ tablet, as it will greatly increase your speed and efficiency, and add additional features to your arsenal, such as brush sensitivity, fine points and feathering.

Mastering Retouching and Mastering Compositing have been designed to accomodate and teach artists of all experience levels. We do, however, assume that you have at least opened Photoshop before and know how to Save a File or paint a simple brush stroke. No other knowledge is required. If you are a Photoshop wizard, you will have an even greater appreciation for the nuances and the techniques that we teach, such as advanced lessons on Blending Mode or Working with Paths.

Our series’ teach you to use the tools and features of Adobe Photoshop necessary to become a master retoucher. We do not cover topics, tools, or features that do not apply to teaching our particular retouching or compositing methods.

Mastering Retouching and Mastering Compositing are educational tutorials that will teach you techniques of pro-level retouching and compositing, so that you can make any subject look amazing. It is not a plug-in or stand-alone software. We teach the series’ using Photoshop, though you can apply these techniques using any competing photo-enhancing program, such as Corel Painter, Photoshop Elements, and older versions of Photoshop.

Heck no. The SlickforceSystem is a complete system—a philosophy of retouching and compositing—that can be used with even very old versions of Photoshop. To get the most benefit, we would suggest you at least have a version that includes tools such as Healing Brush, Patch Tool or Refine Edge.

Yes. Exotic Features is included for free with both the download versions and in the DVD Box Set.

First, there is no nudity anywhere in this series. We have models wear swimwear to illustrate as many different problem-area retouching scenarios as possible. If you order the DVD Box set, the packaging is family-friendly and features only headshots of the models. And second, who benefits most if you’re the one retouching the family photos?

The SlickforceSystem Mastering Series’ are available as both instant-download and DVD formats (computer-playable only.)

The content of the Series in both formats is identical. The DVD version, however, comes in a super-gorgeous box set that will make you smile every time you see it and will make you the envy of all of your friends. Seriously.

During the checkout phase, you will have options to purchase the download, the DVD Box Set, or both in a bundle.

Definitely. The sample that appears on this site is just a small preview to give you a taste of what you will learn. The actual size of the videos is HD 720p.

Yes. The lesson videos within the Mastering Series are fully compatible with iPad and iPhone, and any smartphone or tablet that can play MOV files. The level interface, however, will not transfer over, so you will need to use a computer if you wish to access the bonus features such as Level Notes, Key Concepts, and Related Lessons Guide. Instructions for syncing with your device are available if you have trouble, please email support@slickforce.com.

Your DVD Box Set will be shipped from Los Angeles, California, USA, within 3 business days.
For orders within the United States, it may take up to 3 additional business days to arrive. For international orders, it may take 10-14 business days to arrive (depending on where you are located and length of time in Customs).